
Hi, I’m Lacy.

I’m a graphic designer and amateur boudoir model.

I’m short, bisexual and half Japanese. I’m exploring my sexuality and having fun with the erotic side of it. Sharing my adventures online is a secret kink of mine.

I post the best stuff on my Only Fans page. Lots of lingerie, candid photos, NSFW content, and more. I think it’s hot and I hope you do too. I’m having fun either way!

If you enjoy my content, come see more of me.

What People Are Saying

“Such value for money, quality of content and enough to keep you interested everyday!

I paid $9 and was really pleased I did. Her passion for what she does, her connection with her fans (including replying to comments etc) and the variety she brings to your OF timeline is well worth it.

— Mjay

“This girl is 10/10. I wish she had a lifetime subscription. She’s a gorgeous boudoir model who doesn’t do porn per se but has dabbled in a g/g and a couple of masturbation videos.

She is an absolute stunner who posts several times a day about how her day is going. She has several friends she collaborated with. Her $9 a month sub price is well worth the content she provides.

I personally highly recommend her.”


"Fantastic page!! A gorgeous woman who loves to share her interests and kinks openly with her followers, she makes great content that is both sexy and fun. She’s wonderful to message and talk with!”
